Hari ini, jam 2;30 pagi tadi, telah lahir ponakanku, dari bro-ku, Dendy achmad dan his wife, Tika, dengan selamat. alhamdulillaah...
Yap. Ponakanku yang lucu ini, dinamain
Hehehe, dasar Tokusatsuer ^^
ini diaa,..Kivara!
Okee,....mari kita bahas De Kivara secara lingustik,..enng,...lingusitik tu apa yaa??
1. Kiva ; Kivara (http://www.wikipedia.com/)
A kiva is a room used by modern Puebloans for religious rituals, many of them associated with the kachina belief system. Among the modern Hopi and most other Pueblo peoples, kivas are square-walled and underground, and are used for spiritual ceremonies.
Similar subterranean rooms are found among ruins in the American southwest, indicating ritual or cultural use by the ancient peoples of the region including the Ancient Pueblo Peoples, the Mogollon and the Hohokam. Those used by the ancient Pueblos of the Pueblo I Era and following, designated by the Pecos Classification system developed by archaeologists, were usually round, and generally believed to have been used for religious and other communal purposes.
Similar subterranean rooms are found among ruins in the American southwest, indicating ritual or cultural use by the ancient peoples of the region including the Ancient Pueblo Peoples, the Mogollon and the Hohokam. Those used by the ancient Pueblos of the Pueblo I Era and following, designated by the Pecos Classification system developed by archaeologists, were usually round, and generally believed to have been used for religious and other communal purposes.
Evolution of the Kiva
When designating an ancient room as a kiva, archaeologists make assumptions about the room's original functions and how those functions may be similar to or differ from kivas used in modern practice. The kachina belief system appears to have emerged in the Southwest at approximately AD 1250, while kiva like structures occurred much earlier. This suggests that the room's older functions may have been changed or adapted to suit the new religious practice.
As cultural changes occurred, particularly during the Pueblo III period between 1150 and 1300, kivas continued to have a prominent place in the community. However, some kivas were built above ground. Kiva architecture became more elaborate, with tower kivas and great kivas incorporating specialized floor features. For example, kivas found in Mesa Verde were generally keyhole shaped. In most larger communities, it was normal to find one kiva for each five or six rooms used as residences. Kiva destruction, primarily by burning, has been seen as a strong archaeological indicator of conflict and warfare among people of the Southwest during this period.
Fifteen surface rooms encircle the central chamber of the vast Great Kiva at Aztec Ruins National Monument. The room's "... purpose is unclear . . . Each had an exterior doorway to the plaza. . . . Four massive pillars of alternating masonry and horizontal poles held up the ceiling beams, which in turn supported an estimated ninety-five-ton roof. Each pillar rested on four shaped stone disks, weighing about 355 pounds apiece. These discs are of limestone, which came from mountains at least forty miles away." (A Trail Guide to Aztec Ruins, 4th printing:WNPA, 2004).
After 1325 or 1350, except in the Hopi region, the ratio changed from 60 to 90 rooms for each kiva. This may indicate a religious or organizational change within the society, perhaps affecting the status and number of clans among the Pueblo people. The use of it was for men and boys only.
As cultural changes occurred, particularly during the Pueblo III period between 1150 and 1300, kivas continued to have a prominent place in the community. However, some kivas were built above ground. Kiva architecture became more elaborate, with tower kivas and great kivas incorporating specialized floor features. For example, kivas found in Mesa Verde were generally keyhole shaped. In most larger communities, it was normal to find one kiva for each five or six rooms used as residences. Kiva destruction, primarily by burning, has been seen as a strong archaeological indicator of conflict and warfare among people of the Southwest during this period.
Fifteen surface rooms encircle the central chamber of the vast Great Kiva at Aztec Ruins National Monument. The room's "... purpose is unclear . . . Each had an exterior doorway to the plaza. . . . Four massive pillars of alternating masonry and horizontal poles held up the ceiling beams, which in turn supported an estimated ninety-five-ton roof. Each pillar rested on four shaped stone disks, weighing about 355 pounds apiece. These discs are of limestone, which came from mountains at least forty miles away." (A Trail Guide to Aztec Ruins, 4th printing:WNPA, 2004).
After 1325 or 1350, except in the Hopi region, the ratio changed from 60 to 90 rooms for each kiva. This may indicate a religious or organizational change within the society, perhaps affecting the status and number of clans among the Pueblo people. The use of it was for men and boys only.
Yap, itu penjelasan pertama. Sekarang, penjelasan kedua!
2. Kiva; Kinvara (http://www.wikipedia.com/)
Kinvara (Irish: Cinn Mhara, meaning "head of the sea"), is a sea port village located in the south of County Galway in the province of Connacht on the west coast of Ireland. Kinvara is also the name of the parish in which the village is situated. Kinvara is occasionally spelled Kinvarra in English; this may be seen on some maps and road signs, although Kinvara is the most common spelling used nowadays. Kinvarra is still the official form of the name for the townland as shown on OSI maps[1] and this form is still used on polling cards as the name of the townland while the District Electoral Division (DED) is called Kinvara.
Kinvara's population according to the 2002 Census was 945. The Great Famine in the 1840s and a series of emigrations that continued up until the 1960s reduced the population of the village – once a thriving port and a significant exporter of corn and seaweed – to no more than a few hundred people. From around the 1980s the population of the parish of Kinvara started to increase while the village started to grow in size.
Kinvara's population according to the 2002 Census was 945. The Great Famine in the 1840s and a series of emigrations that continued up until the 1960s reduced the population of the village – once a thriving port and a significant exporter of corn and seaweed – to no more than a few hundred people. From around the 1980s the population of the parish of Kinvara started to increase while the village started to grow in size.
- Pemandangan kota Kinvarra -
Baiklaaah,..ini kemungkinan ketiga!
3. Kivara (Masked Rider Kivara, Masked Rider Decade Vs Dai Shocker: The Movie, 2009)
Inilah, kemungkinan terkuat orang tua Kivara terinspirasi untuk memberikan nama kepada putri mereka tersebut^^' . Kivara adalah rider dengan tampilan dan karakteristik yang anti hero, namun belum diketahui secara pasti, di pihak mana si Kivara ini berdiri, sebelum menonton filmnya secara langsung ^^
Secara keseluruhan, ni Rider emang sensasional, karena setelah Kamen Rider Femme, nggak ada lagi rider cew yang berkarakter abis ntu. Naa, semoga pula dengan seperti itu, kelak de Kivara pun akan menjadi seseorang dengan karakter yang kuat, yang pastinya menjadi perhatian semua orang, dan disayang oleh siapapun. Amiiin,...
Oke. Ini dia beberapa pics dari Kivara, as a rider ^^ :
Yaah,..semoga de Kivara dapat menjadi putri yang kelak akan jadi seseorang yang disayang oleh semua orang, memberi manfaat bagi semua orang, dan yang pasti selalu diridhoi dan dilindungi oleh ALLAH SWT. Amiiin,...
Hmmm,... Jadi kepikiran, kapan yaa aku bisa punya momongan seperti itu..Cari bakal calon Ibunya dulu, ni. khehehe^^
Baidewei eniwei baswei,...
Kira2 ini mungkin seperti inilah aku kalo udah punya putra, dan bobo bersama trus di foto,
Good work, bro! Keep the Spirit! yaaa~~~yy!
-My Imaginary Son-
nyambungnya ke tokusatsu juga
Pokonya, Henshin!