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Tabee '... ^^v

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Nyoba2 buat puisi ^^' (Maaf kalo jelek..)

22/12/09 10:30 ngetik sambil menunggu memungut inspirasi sambil ditemani panasnya permen Woods di mulut^^

Dear you, dear me...

We have been this long, dont you know?
This is not about what is right and what is wrong
Maybe its just nothing to related to the words, "love"

People say, love sometimes make you hurts
People say, love can make you cry
But still, i believe there always good about love
If not, why we live untill now?
Love is need, and we need love
But how we can know love,
While we had been hurt by it?
Then, say it's not your fault
Say that love will always stalking at us
No matter we try or not
It always there
Then, settle your self down
We can't rush bout love, except it has really found you now

For all who still didn't find it yet
Just make sure your smile is always there
Open your eyes and your hearts
And you'll now, your love is upon ahead

Make sure its the right one
If you find one, don't hesitate
Scream it, grab it, declare it!
Before you'll find out soon that love can leaving you too soon
Love is always waiting to be found deep inside us
Sometimes, we just dont know it yet

Sometimes, we deny it..
But, its ok..
Keep try to realize,

And be prepared to be amazed, while..
The hand of love has already touching us gently before we know...

Thats why it called love,...

-TheStupidBear who didn't know why the heck he write all bout this ^^"-

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